Thursday, September 17, 2009

AntiBloggerGirl - Blog Virgin No More!

Today I decided to step out of my comfort zone and begin blogging like the rest of the world. Of course, I had so many ideas, all day, and as soon as I sit down to write, I draw a blank. Isn't that always the way?

The point though is that I have many, many ideas when I'm really thinking about them and I think it's finally time to do more of the writing that I so enjoy. I often find myself thinking more and being inspired when I'm around other people that are inspiring and who have done wonderful things with their lives. It makes me remember that I also have the potential to do fabulous things.

Part of the reason that I was never willing to start a blog was because I've read the blogs of other people. Unless there is some specific topic of interest, most people just get on the computer and post meaningless drivle about every thought that passes through their brains. I've often found it downright boring, which I think is blasphemous, as internet sites go. Every fart, of the butt or mind varieties, is not the golden stuff made of dreams that should be shared with all. I'm a firm believer of this. I'm also judgmental. So when I read these things, I wanted no parts of it. I'm uncomfortable doing this because I don't want anyone who happens across this site to say, the same about my rants.

Also, I'm really hating how running a search on a topic will sometimes bring up a blog as if it's fact. So just anyone with a computer and something to say get to write the facts of the world??? Well, on the other hand, people with power have been writing the history and the recognized since the beginning of time so what am I so upset about?

I have to draw my temporary line at the social networking sites for now though. Although I too appreciate the constant contact of my friends, I'm very paranoid about my thoughts, my ideas and all that just being out there. Employers look on those sites; people I don't really want to talk to look at though sites. And isn't that the most important? I have people that I legitimately need to avoid. Of course, I'm over here on the blog as if though same people couldn't read this without my knowledge or permission, but we're taking this baby steps at a time. Bare with me.

More importantly, bare with me because I'm trying something new although it's uncomfortable for me. When's the last time you've done something that was uncomfortable for you? Post a comment and let me know (of course, this post will be forever old by the time you read it because I've told zero people that I've done this). I heard someone say something interesting today---it's important to do something uncomfortable everyday. Often being uncomfortable means that change and growth is taking place. think about how much growth you've been feeling lately.

Or not. You know, whatever.

1 comment:

  1. Fabulous! Look fowarding to observing your progress!
