Thursday, September 24, 2009

Child Lock to Child Ready?

This morning during my moment of shower zen, I had a few thoughts about the method teaching my child(ren) about good nutrition, calorie burning and exercise habits.

For reference, shower zen is a term representing all the coherent thoughts I have while taking a shower, usually in the morning. Sometimes I'm planning and rearranging my upcoming day, other times I am playing out a situation practicing talking to the people I will encounter later on. I find this time immensely helpful and a relatively regular occurrence.

Additionally, I think about how I'm going to teach children things all the time. Whether the children in questions are my future ones or just little people in general, I find it grounding to practice explaining complex issues to those with less experience. I like to think of it as communication fitness. The ability to converse in a boardroom and a classroom is immeasurable for those of us who like to have our opinions known.

This is also not the first time that I started thinking about how I would raise my own kids. As you get older though, the more you think about it the more there's an understanding that you may be "ready" to have children. Or at least in this instance, ready to have active children that you hope don't grow up to be too chunky so you have to put them on a crash diet or they have chronic weight problems as an adult because they never quiet got the concept of chocolate cake plus soda does not a decent dinner make. You get the general idea.

I am not, not by a long shot, proposing that I am ready for children. Frankly I think there's no such thing, even for those who really want them and have read all the books and websites about child rearing. I think that childbearing is one of those things that sneaks up on you at some point...or maybe that's just how I know that it'll happen in my life. At any rate, I have been coming continuously closer to the concept that it would be a good idea to have someone with whom I share all this stuff that I know. Of course, I share all the time, but it's different to impart such ideas on people who are just forming their mind around how to think. That part interests me.

Just throwing this out there, but maybe I'm the kind of person that should adopt. I pretty much want to start out on the whole "raising" someone thing after the ball is already rolling. But even saying it that way, I don't know about me raising anyone at all.

Considering that I'm basically describing the little buddy aspect of having children, maybe it's a better idea to just join Big Brothers/Big Sisters and throw my experience at other people's children. Seriously, those of you who actually know me in real life, can you see me with progeny? A small army of tiny minions to do my bidding along with their homework? The possibilities are endless! Ha!

On third thought, ah...yeah. For the sake of all mankind, the child lock is active and in full effect. Click!

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