Saturday, September 19, 2009

Ignorant People

One question that my counterparts and I asked over and over again is this: Why are people so ignorant and/or rude? The truth is, people don't generally consider themselves rude or inconsiderate people. I think that most people just believe that they are doing what they have to do. If that means that someone else gets trampled in the process, that's unfortunate, but my (the actor's) needs are greater. Further, I think that most people don't even get this far in their thinking; they are just focused on themselves and getting what they need or want. It's a shame in a way but most rude behavior seems to stem from inward absorption.

At the airport early this morning, several people in a traveling group moved in front of my group to go through the security line. Since we paused to take our shoes off, they took that opportunity to slide in front us, saying nothing. I loudly questioned, why did these people here feel the need to get in front of us?

Only one woman out of the 4-5 people that passed us turned to respond to my inquiry. She said that they had to go, as if that reason alone explained everything that my nosy little self needed to know. I continued in response to her, that wow, the least such a person could have done was explain that before taking our place line. The woman offered no further reply but appeared to discuss the matter further with her companion and then move through the line. I can see why she might think my inquiry was rude, but her initial behavior required an explanation. I thought the lack decorum necessitated some kind of feedback. I've tried to stop providing such a response in physical form, no matter how deserving.

You know, cops, legal fees and all that.

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